What is cervical mucus like on the day of ovulation? - cervical mucus is powdery in pregnancy
I've heard that you actually happening to the cervical mucus proteins 3-4 days before ovulation?
I have a lot of cervical mucus proteins, the cycle day 13 and 14 and now the last two days had not been there.
But on the theory, that means I ovulate on CD 16 or 17? Something like that.
How long after the visit, the amount from its peak of ovulation, cervical mucus proteins?
1 comment:
This is one I ask for the introduction of fiber-c / m EWCM on Friday, married when I was in the middle of the night to feed bub i-aqueous (TMI), but not much more Thu, Sat + Sun OPK tomorrow night or pain, but today there was no befor c / m for ovulation in my case
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