Monday, January 11, 2010

How Cold Does It Have To Be Forto Crack Block How Hard Can It Be To Find A Cure?

How hard can it be to find a cure? - how cold does it have to be forto crack block

Not that I have or anything, but do not find a way (a virus, nanotechnology, etc. ..) to fight HIV, the virus enters the blood? A vaccine that fights the infected material, such as a cold or the flu?

I mean, as you know, it is probably impossible

Or, if HIV is the blood that change, for example, a donor of blood (those who will die and must not) be blood, donate blood, and the change of blood with her?


S V said...

It should not be that hard ... Many people say that there is a cure. This does not mean the Let it out yet ... It is simply a myth, but never know.

syl c. said...

If you can not change the color of the eyes with an injection, the cure for HIV. HIV in the bloodstream, remembers the blood or body fluids, and it permeates every part of your body. What was the blood of all this change, regarded as the blood boil, but can not, like the HIV virus only works in your blood, it penetrates into your organs and cells. Previously, it was impossible to find a cure, but who knows what the next 10 years. Good luck.

syl c. said...

If you can not change the color of the eyes with an injection, the cure for HIV. HIV in the bloodstream, remembers the blood or body fluids, and it permeates every part of your body. What was the blood of all this change, regarded as the blood boil, but can not, like the HIV virus only works in your blood, it penetrates into your organs and cells. Previously, it was impossible to find a cure, but who knows what the next 10 years. Good luck.

rermain2 said...

I do not think one can only "change" in the blood. Even if you have left in HIV-infected blood (which would not be possible to get rid of it before replacing it) that all re-infected, which makes it all useless.

None of the viral STDs are curable. So not only HIV, but that HPV and herpes. The bacteria can be treated with antibiotics.

I am sure that I tried to fight against HIV with a vaccine against influenza, as an experience, but obviously does not work ... otherwise it would be a remedy

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